Welcome at the website of Amsys.

Welcome at the website of Amsys.

Amsys delivers solutions for ship management. We deliver complete ISM and ISPS systems, but also Cargo Securing Manuals, SOPEP’s, Ballast Water Management Plans etc.

For captain/owners and small companies we have a Designated Person available. He can support or replace your own DP.

The ISM system of Amsys ensures the availability of efficient support ashore for your ship. Read more...

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Our services


Amsys delivers solutions for ship management. We deliver complete ISM and ISPS systems, but also Cargo Securing Manuals, SOPEP’s, Ballast Water Management Plans etc.


Just like our ISM systems, our Ship Security Plans are compact and easy to use. The plan enables you to continue commercial operations while ensuring a good response when security is threatened.


Your company and DPA

Amsys has a “Designated Person Ashore” available, fully compliant with the ISM code and IMO guidelines. He can support, or replace, the DPA of a captain-owner or a small company.

Marad onderhouds systeem

Good maintenance is an essential part of safety on board.
To get your maintenance schedules under control, we deliver the "Marad" maintenance system.

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